Can I move house yet?

It’s a question on the mind of many who were in the process of buying, selling and moving.

Early in the COVID-19 lockdown, the government gave clear advice on what to do if you are due to move home during lockdown: where possible home buyers and renters should delay moving house whilst social distancing measures are in place to combat coronavirus (COVID-19). But now as those rules are starting to be relaxed, there are a number of things you are allowed to do (as at end of May 2020), however not everyone will yet feel comfortable in continuing with the process of moving house just yet.

The latest Government guidelines are available at


If you are waiting to see what happens before getting your move / house sale / house purchase unerway, here are a few things you might want to spend your time thinking about:


1. Room Use

Whether you are downsizing or upsizing you need to think about what items from your current home will need to be transported and which will fit into your new home. Do you have enough space? Do you still want everything? Do you need to buy or sell/donate furniture?

An effective house moving will be all about the planning. You no longer have the excuse that you don’t have any time because now, more than ever, we all have time. Invest your thoughts into what will really make a house a home.

Get a floorplan from your estate agent and start measuring what could fit where. Given the amount of time that we are all spending in our homes right now, nothing can underestimate the importance of having a good home space both for mental and physical well-being.


2. When, how and who?

Dependent on your current situation all of the above will affect your change of home in different ways. Whilst the government advice is clear on delaying any potential house moves, it may not be possible for some as they think about the safest way to go about it.

Deciding when to move is important. Speak to your conveyancer and/or solicitor but you may be able to amend your contract so that a close date is altered to some time in the future. Set a date both parties will be comfortable with and work towards that goal with the rest of your planning. Order cardboard boxes and start packing away non-essential items so that when the date comes, you’ll be more than prepared.

If your circumstance doesn’t allow you to postpone your moving date then it is vital you adhere to social distancing guidelines during the process. If someone involved in the move is showing COVID-19 symptoms then they should self-isolate for the allotted time – 7 days from when showing symptoms and anyone else in the household, 14 days from when the first person started showing symptoms and a further 7 days from when you, yourself started showing symptoms. All parties should prioritise coming to an amicable agreement to change move dates for the individuals in that category.

Who you will get to assist you with the move is another significant factor. Lots of businesses have closed due to COVID-19 so it is worthwhile getting in touch with any now for the future to see if they can help. There may well be increased demand when lockdown measures are lifted therefore you should aim to organise this as soon as you can.


3. Interior Design

Having a calm and comfortable setting in our homes keeps us sane. Whilst you may not be able to have a direct impact on your new house you can plan colour schemes, furniture palettes, fixtures and more from the ease of your computer.

Go through each room one by one and decide what, if anything, needs changing and whether you’ll be able to do it yourself or need to get someone in the future to help you. Lockdown may give you the chance to brush up on those DIY skills. Browse through YouTube so you can prepare for just about any job around the house.


4. The House Warming

And last but not least, once you’ve done all of the above, you’ll be able to start planning the socially distant or online house-warming garden party!


Keep in touch with your conveyancing solicitor. They will be able to answer questions you have (according to current guidelines) and offer reassurance. If you’re looking for a conveyancing solicitor, get in touch with Garnett Wilson. You will receive dedicated and excellent service. Contact us on 01702 333 676 or email

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